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neocreatives webring button
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blank pages

there is not a lot of pages yet, but i have a lot of plans and stuff i want to do :]

so feel free to just flip through the few current pages - you can follow me on neocities if you want to follow my process :3

shooting star divider blank notebook paper

what's new? (date/month/year) ↴


the beginning

welcome............................ 01
updates & contents........... 03

chapter 1: personal

about me & currently........ 05
(coming soon): dress me up
blog................................... 07

chapter 2: music

album gallery.................... 09
(coming soon): concerts & reviews
merch & DIY....................... 11

chapter 3: photography

analog photo gallery......... 13
(coming soon): digital photo gallery

chapter 4: video media

movies & collages............. 15
(coming soon): shows
(coming soon): youtube

chapter 5: links

neighbours & other sites... 17
credits & resources........... 19

(coming soon):






  • finish video game page
  • finish gamer log page
  • make digital photo gallery
  • make art galleries
  • make inspo art gallery
  • finish analog photo gallery
  • finish star pagination